I learned a new word today… Punting... Punting is a very fun, albeit unique kind of torture which requires a single person to push an 8 foot boat with a 6 foot iron pole… It’s about the British version of a gondola…
When I originally showed up to go punting, I have to admit that I thought it would include a football and a large field… But no. (I have actually gotten quite used to making a fool of myself in such ways, as Oxford is full of vocabulary that I have either never heard, or think I’ve heard and then turn out to be completely wrong!) So I waltz in thinking, “Well this will be fun. I’ll go meet some people… I can kick a football”… Ha! As if... So we meet in the Common Room (yet another very “Harry Potter-esque” term for all us Americans) and I suddenly discover we are not in fact on our way to the parks, but to a boat dock… Fun! It’s alright, I can handle a boat… No problem, how hard could this be right…
Now enter traditional Oxford weather: RAIN. It pours… And when it’s done pouring, it gives us a brief break (ie. drizzle) and t hen pours some more. We’re soaked before we even reach the now very slippery, very low-floating boats… But I was already soaked from the 20 minute walk, so I was going rain or not… And rain it did… Haha
We spent the next 1-2 hours, the novice punters, trying to maintain balance while maneuvering this ridiculously large, very low floating boat… While standing of course… We had a great time, and the rain brought out the good-humor in everyone who’d been brave enough to come… But by the time we got off we all had to agree that despite our fabulous success at not capsizing on our first punting excursion, we might as well have… There wasn’t a dry spot on any of us…
I dropped back by my flat for a hot cup of coffee and change of clothes, before heading back to the college where we were assured several bottles of wine would warm us up right away… Haha Yet another excuse to drink, I guess… :-)
We’ve finally got hot water back in our house, and I’ve been assured that my internet should work tonight when I get home (Fingers crossed!)… That’s about all for now!
With Love from Oxford… –Mary Elizabeth
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