As a remnant of my time studying Mayan midwifery in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala this summer, our team from the VCU Inst of Women’s Health decided to write up some of the “fun-facts” we learned about Mayan culture while we were there… So many western “myths” surround Mayans, that it only seemed appropriate to share what we witnessed and were told by the people themselves!
“Did You Know?…”
· Mayan culture is not extinct!
· Whether choosing a day to harvest herbs or trying to determine your “life calling”, the Mayan Calendar plays an important role in everyday life.
· Midwives are so revered in Mayan culture that villagers avoid looking them in the face out of respect.
· There are more than 21 distinct Mayan languages spoken in Guatemala!
· Mayan midwives cite language-barriers and
discrimination as the primary reasons Mayan women do not receive adequate maternal healthcare in Guatemalan hospitals.
· Corn (maize) is a staple in Mayan life… It represents the cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth.
· Mayan midwives incorporate herbal remedies, western medicine, pre-natal massage, and traditional steam baths to provide holistic maternal healthcare.
· In countries such as Guatemala, Mayans still face staggering discrimination and poverty.
· Contrary to popular belief, Mayans do not believe the world will end in 2012! Rather 2012 marks the beginning of the Maya “Fifth Sun”… An era of expanded consciousness and harmony!
Compiled by the Summer 2010 Midwives Service/Exchange Team.
Hosted by the Highland Support Project, and the VCU Institute for Women's Health.
For more information call # (804) 643-8635.
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