"I live not in dreams, but in contemplation of a reality that is perhaps the future."
~Rainer Maria Rilke

I know what I see- There is grace at work, here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Farewell to Linokong High School

Lumelang bo-Me, bo-Ntate, matichere, le baithuti ba ka,

Hello mothers, fathers, teachers, and my students, 

The past two years have been the most influential and important of my life. I arrived in Ha Selomo a stranger- Now I see only family. I will always be grateful to each of you for welcoming me into your country, culture, and community.

First, I want to thank Ntate Chitja for welcoming me at Linokong High School, and giving me the opportunity to learn and grow as an educator. I sincerely hope I have achieved at contributing something to this school because I have truly loved my time here.

Ntate Bereng, kea u leboha ha u ile ua ntlhokomela joalo ka morali oa hau. Ha ho mohla ke ileng ka ikutloa ke hlorile Ha Selomo. Uena le 'm'e Mapoloko, le ile la nkamohela bophelong le lapeng la lona. Ke tla le hopola le le lelapa leso kamehla.

Ntate Bereng- Thank you for caring for me as if I were your own daughter. There was never a day when I felt unsafe or alone in Ha Selomo. You and 'Me Mapoloko welcomed me into your lives and home, and I will always remember you as family.

Ke batla hape ho leboha boto ea sekolo le batsoali. Le ile la arola bana ba lona le 'na. Ba bile hlohonolofatso e kholo bophelong baka. Ba bohlale, ba batle, ba lutse ba tseha- 'me letseho leo, le ile la lula le khants'itse matsatsi oohle aka. Ebile tlootla ho ba tichere ea bona. Ka bona, ke bile karolo ea malapa a lona, 'me ke molemo oo ke sa tsebeng nka o busetsa joang.

I also want to thank the School Board and parents... Thank you for sharing your children with me. They have been an incredible blessing in my life. They are clever, beautiful, and full of joy and laughter that brightened every day for me. It was my privilege to be their teacher. Through them, you welcomed me into your community and homes. You made me feel a part of Ha Selomo- It's a kindness I feel I could never repay.

To my colleagues... Or more importantly, my friends: Thank you for putting up with me. You have been MY teachers- patiently explaining, translating, and understanding- even when I didn't. Every single one of you made Linokong High School feel like a family- Full of light, laughter, and life. I feel blessed that you've all been a part of my life, and I know you will continue to be a part of it for many years to come.

And now I've saved the most difficult and important goodbye for last... For bana ba ka.

I came to Lesotho to be a teacher- I came here to help children. In the end, I find it fitting that you all were the ONLY reason I was able to live here. You have been my purpose and inspiration. You made me laugh every day, and filled my life here with such joy. It isn't teaching I have loved; it was teaching you. I feel incredibly blessed that no matter how far away I was from family or America, there was never a single day during the last two years when I wanted to be anywhere else in the world, other than here in Ha Selomo with you.

You are each special. Unique and brilliant. You have the ability to do anything you want with your life. Believe in yourself. Make good decisions. Be kind to others, even when they don't treat you the same. And know that you have made me a stronger, kinder, and more patient person. I will miss you each every day.

Salang ka khotso.

Stay with peace. 

(Farewell speech given at Linokong High School on November 13, 2014.) 

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