After leaving the Blarney Castle on Thursday we headed to Dublin! Dad flew out of Dublin Friday morning, and the girls (admittedly) spent a good portion of the day napping (By this point in the trip, it was much needed!)… Haha BUT later that afternoon we rallied and headed into the city center!
We’d heard rumor that the “Temple Bar” region of Dublin was the place to be… But we had NO idea. Talk about an interesting and adventurous Friday night… We spent the evening doing the classic pub crawl… Or should I saw mom and I pub hopped, and Carolyn was our designated road-guide… Haha :)
By just our first pub stop, I’d managed to make a few interesting friends while ordering pints for mom and I at the bar (which triggered an interesting chain-of-events for later that evening! Haha)… And by the time I returned from the bar, Carolyn had fallen head-over-heals in love with the very cute, acoustic guitar playing Irishman performing in the pub! She was totally having a “P.S. I Love You Moment” (for all familiar with the movie, you know which scene I’m talking about… Haha) Needless to say, we were broken hearted to see him go… :) We strolled the streets and River Liffey a little, before continuing our hopping… We found some great street musicians… But not before I got a visit from one of the very outgoing guys from our first pub stop… Haha
It’s difficult to describe the awkward conversation that ensued in the middle of the street… At one point our new friend was teaching Carolyn his “pub-version” karate moves (all while Carolyn laughed hysterically to the point of tears), at another recommending local restaurants and simultaneously declaring he would not rape us (which we very much appreciated)… He told the same story seeveral times over, and even attempted to pull us into a riverdance in the middle of the street… Haha Carolyn and I have probably never been so publicly accosted, nor has my poor mother (who seemed to alternate between laughter and the sudden urge to beat the man with a beer-bottle in defense of her daughters)… :) And while it was all in good fun (and rather hilarious to be honest), we still could never determine just HOW drunk he really was? Either way, we are now certain that the Irish know how to party… Haha :)
With Love from Ireland… ~Mary Elizabeth <3
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