"I live not in dreams, but in contemplation of a reality that is perhaps the future."
~Rainer Maria Rilke

I know what I see- There is grace at work, here.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Very “Oxford” Weekend…

Hilary Term is coming to a close! And with it, there seems to have been a rush of social events attempting to distract me (and successfully so) from all that studying I should be doing for my Science and Technology Studies (STS) examination in Week 9…

Last night was the annual St Cross Hilary Feast… As always, a fun night to dress up and catch up on the social goings-on in tOxford 2011 0101he college.  The meal was delicious and all the post-graduates and fellows alike  managed to drink  way too much… No surprise there, right? I was a little disappointed the Master didn’t indulge us with another comic routine (apparently that’s only a Founder’s Feast performance), but we were entertained by a wonderful piano performance of the “Moonlight Sonata” (one of my old favorites) during dinner… So all in all it was the perfect night away from the books. :)

Oxford 2011 001

Oxford 2011 0161

And in true Oxford style my Saturday was spilt between studying in the Radcliffe Camera with Anna and checking out Torpids 2011. I have to admit that my rowing lingo and knowledge is completely unacceptable. Who would’ve known there was so much to it all?! A one year Master’s is just not long enough to get the hang of all these Oxford-isms… :) I was shocked to witness my first bump, which subsequently sent a boat (worth 30,000 GBP) sailing into the bank… Yikes! Torpids has been going on for the past several days, and is quite the Oxford social event… So I’ve now heard some pretty rough stories of rowing accidents and battered/tipped boats, which have completely changed my original perceptions of rowing as a sport… Definitely a serious event around here! :)

Oxford 2011 0031Anna and I were feeling very “typical Oxford”…. Heading straight from the library to rowing… :)  Oxford 2011 010

Notice the white-boat in the bank… :)

Oxford 2011 013

Oxford 2011 0151

With only one week left in Hilary Term, I officially have one more tutorial paper left in my degree! YAY! So this Tuesday evening will bring cause for brief celebration, before continuing onto cramming for my STS exam. Looking forward to taking a break and enjoying the weather in a few weeks… Everyday seems just slightly warmer and sunnier! Yay for spring! :)

With Love from Oxford… ~Mary Elizabeth <3

1 comment:

  1. One week left in my current rotation too! And a full scientific article write up due in 2 that I haven't started yet of course :-P Good luck on your exam!
