Day 2 of the “Birds in Rome” was another sweltering hot day… But thank goodness our B&B was only 4-5 blocks away from Vatican City! Once again, the simple act of purchasing tickets for the Vatican Museums ahead of time paid off ten-fold! As we were walking to the Museums, we went past a line that must have gone on for a half-mile! We all felt so bad just skipping in front of the hundreds of people that were standing in the blazing sun, just frying while they waited to get in… It seems criminal not to have bought a simple ticket ahead of time!
Yet again, we were smart and were at the front door as soon as it opened… But even then the museums themselves were packed! It was hot inside and hot out, but definitely worth the chance to get to see the inside of the “Holy See!” We (or at least I) found it interesting to learn that Vatican City:
Is the smallest sovereign city-state, with only 0.2 square miles of land. It has a population of about 800, and no permanent residents! Official languages of the state include Latin, French, Italian, and English. It has it’s own railway station, radio channel, printing industry, post office, and issues it’s own passports. It is guarded by the Swiss Guard.
The Bird Family at the Vatican!

The Dome of the Bascilica from inside the Vatican… :)
I assure you they were not this pensive for our entire tour of the Vatican Museums… Haha

The Sistine Chapel!! Almost overwhelming in it’s detail!
Inside the Vatican Museums
The Vatican museums themselves were absolutely massive! In fact, there are apparently more than 9 miles worth of galleries!!! If you spend only 1 minute per painting, it would take you nearly FOUR years to complete the entire circuit!! There were halls after halls of painted art, statues, ancient maps, tapestries, and gold tributes to past Popes… So needless, to say we didn’t get to see everything, but we gave it a good effort! And if I left the Vatican with any impression, it was of the influence and incredible wealth of the Catholic Church throughout the ages… It was almost unnerving to see that any church held so much wealth and influence!

Doesn’t she look all prim and proper… Haha
After our tour of the Vatican Museums, we headed over to St Peter’s Square and St Peter’s Basilica! :) The square wasn’t too terribly busy, and although we did have to stand in line to enter the Basilica, it wasn’t too long a wait… Carolyn, Drayton, and I found it almost as interesting to point out the sites where Dan Brown’s “Angels and Demons” was filmed, as to learn about the actual history… Haha :) Either way, it was pretty surreal to actually be standing there!

St Peter’s Square!

Inside St. Peter’s Basilica
We all had to agree that St Peter’s Basilica was almost more impressive than the Sistine Chapel… While the Chapel was absolutely breathtaking in it’s detail, it was almost overwhelming… The Basilica was incredibly impressive (no surprise, as it has the largest interior of any Christian Church in the world!), and also full of gorgeous works of art, including Cambio’s bronze statue of St Peter that has been a site of pilgrimage for centuries (and which Dad and I have both now touched the foot of in prayer) or (my personal favorite) Michaelangelo’s Pieta, which depicts Jesus and Mary after his crucifixion. It was a gorgeous place to visit!
And whilst Mom, Dad, and I were taking in the history of the Basilica, you better believe Drayton and Carolyn were finding entertainment elsewhere… :)
YAY! Funny looking Swiss Guards!
Later that afternoon, we wandered home for our daily “heat of the afternoon naps” and gelato! And that evening Mom, Carolyn, Drayton and I ventured out to find pasta for dinner! We decided to head over to this little family-owned place just around the corner from our B&B… The restaurant owner was this little Italian old man, so we thought “Hey, this is bound to be authentic and yummy”… Right? Wrong. Poor Drayton ended up literally getting served partially cold noodles with shredded cheese on them! Ha! It was completely sad, and also hilarious. Needless to say, we did manage to get our fill of delicious pasta in the following days during our stay… :)
We ate gelato, and then more gelato, and the more gelato… But really… How else were we supposed to stay cool?! :)
And of course, LOTS of Pasta and wine! Italy suits me!
After dinner, Carolyn, Drayton and I decided to walk back over to St Peter’s Square to see it lit up at night… It was so beautiful and cool, and the Square was nearly empty of tourists… So we just hung out for several hours chatting it up, watching Carolyn make a fool of herself taking funny pictures, and secretly mocking the occasional hilariously dressed tourist… It was a perfect evening in Roma. <3

St Peter’s Basilica and St Peter’s Square by night! It was lovely that our B&B was just around the corner!
With Love from Roma! <3 Mary ELizabeth