Any trip to England would not be complete without two of my very favorite places in the entire country: 1) the gorgeous city of Bath and 2) the pub. And thus we made sure that Lizzi and Kaitlyn experienced both whilst in this lovely country!
First, the pub. A classic, if not atypical, hangout comprised of characters from all walks of life. Acceptable (and even expected sometimes) at all times of the day. Ages from 16 to 101 welcomed. Drinks, absolutely necessary. :) And enter the most important accessory of any British pub (I mean there are several, not the least of which are the townies, the scholars, and the drunken youths): The handsome, Bristish-accented bartender. And that’s exactly what Lizzi got for her first pub-experience… An adorable, very handsome, very British (well Welsh actually, but that’s a different story) bartender with all the personality to do the title justice! He introduced Lizzi to a rather potent Cider, and then later convinced her to drink a bit too much of it (as any good bartender would, of course).
The night was made overall complete when, after about 3 hours of the girls sitting around gabbing, we were accosted by a rather hilarious fellow-pub-goer… Who upon witnessing the good humored banter between us and the bar tender declared that we should and could not trust him , “For he is a WELSH!” The rant which followed can only be described as monumental, for it was my favorite pub-memory of my entire tenure at Oxford… She proceeded onto the most intelligent, impressive, yet drunken rant that I have ever heard… Citing the Welsh as inferior based on everything from their general disposition to lack of proper constitution/government. The rant covered everything from stereotypes and outright exaggeration to British history and constitutional law… And it was epic (and perhaps even somewhat accurate). Haha :)
All in all, Lizzi and Kaitlyn had the most amazing, and quintessential British pub experience ever. It was everything the night should have been.
And onto Bath we went the next day… This was my second journey to Bath, but I have to admit, I would go back a third time because it may very-well be my favorite city in all of England. I sent the Coverts off for a tour of the amazing Roman Baths, and then afterwards we spent the afternoon exploring the city and all it’s marvelous highlights.
In front of the Pump Room, near the Roman Baths… The site of so many wonderful scenes in Jane Austen’s novels! :)
And, of course, this meant a trip (my second!) to the Jane Austen Centre! :) Outside the centre (just as he was last December) was the nicest man, complete with period-garb to match his perfect manners… In our obvious excitement, we (like typical tourists) asked for a picture with him… And being a proper British gentleman, he readily complied. But upon learning that we were Americans his face lit up with clear excitement at the brilliance of his next suggestion. He looked at us and enthusiastically declared, “Lets take a Charlie’s Angels photo!” You could have knocked me over with a feat
her. We literally stood there in shock… All of us thinking, “Did he just suggest what I think he suggested?!” Which was quickly followed by the thought that “This is clearly the best day of my life.” So that’s exactly what we did. We took a Charlie’s Angel posed photograph with the gentleman from the Jane Austen centre. And we drew so much enjoyment and hilarity from the entire situation that I am certain I will always remember that man (top hat and all) as the best thing to ever happen to Bath, Jane Austen, or I. :)
In the Jane Austen Centre in Bath!
In front of one of Jane’s former homes in Bath!
Later Lizzi found a Disney store (typical) and I reverted back to my childhood love of Tigger!
The Covert Family in Bath! :)
With Love from Bath… <3 Mary Elizabeth