We set off bright and early on Saturday morning for a weekend excursion to Salzburg, Austria! Yay! It was also the first major outing Dad was able to take with us! We drove down to Salzburg without anything more interesting than several staus (traffic jams)… Checked into the hotel and then took off to tour the city!
Salzburg is surprisingly easy to navigate on foot… We started on the North side of the Salzburg River… It was about a mile walk from our hotel to the markt-platz… We spent the afternoon exploring all the cites in the historic city centre… The Salzburg Cathedral and fountains, Mozarts Geburtshaus (Mozart’s birthplace), the shops along Getriedegasse (Slazburg’s main street), Schloss Mirabell and gardens, St. Peter’s Cemetery, and the imposing Festung Hohensalzburg (the largest medieval fortress left standing in Europe) that rises above the city in the distance
. Ever the American tourists, we also managed to track down several “Sound of Music” sites!
Without a doubt the highlight of walking around Salzburg was the view from Nonnberg Abbey… It took a little exploring through the tiny back-roads off the city centre to find the path to Nonnberg… We climbed no less than 10 flights of stairs to reach it, but oh was the view of the city worth it! From there we were able to walk through the Abbey and along a paved path in front of Festung Hohensalzburg which led back down to the city and St. Peters Cathedral… It was so peaceful and a great way to get away from the touristy crowds for a little while… It also gave us a chance to really stop and appreciate the architecture and charm of the city from a distance…
We returned to our hotel in the heat of the afternoon… And after recharging with a nap, headed out to explore the northern side of the city… We found a wonderful Bier Garten for some German/Austrian food… Mom, Carolyn, and I decided to venture back to the Salzburg River to take a second look at the city by night (a must if you ever spend the night in Salzburg)… It was much cooler and most of the tourists had cleared out of the marktplatz, giving us a peaceful walk with some wonderful musical accompaniments from local flautists…
We woke early Sunday morning to slightly cloudy skies, but decided to go ahead with our plans to visit Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest… And thank goodness we did because the day turned out to be beautiful! We reached the Eagles Nest (located only 20 minutes south of Salzburg on the German-Austrian border) by a short bus-ride (amazing views of Austria!), a walk through an underground tunnel, and then a ride in the famous “glass elevator” to the top! Once at the peak we were free to walk around, snap photos, and climb even higher for those not afraid of the high-altitude and a little
heavy breathing! :-) It was one of the more memorable things we’ve done since moving to Europe….
All in all our weekend in Salzburg was a complete success!… We all had a great time and I found the architecture, gardens, music, and art of Salzburg particularly memorable… Fingers crossed I’m planning to return to Austria with Jetta over Christmas! We’re planning to make it to Salzburg and Vienna! I’m sure that seeing the Austrian country-side covered in snow will be quite a cite!
With Love from Germany… ~Mary